- 1128 Montreal Rd East, Clarkston GA 30021
- 706-424-7071
- Mon-Fri 8am-8pm

The Tifway 419 Bermuda is a hybrid, incorporating a smooth texture and extra density and designed to last for a long time and cope with hard use in areas such as soccer and football fields. It was developed from the Tifton, Georgia turf breeding program.
Tifway 419 Bermuda can survive even the most inclement of weathers. It will resolutely maintain its gloss even when winter bites the hardest and everything else has given up the fight. It thrives in sunny conditions and is unfazed by a shortage of water supply, and sweltering heat. This hybrid also boasts remarkable hardiness, able to collect itself if it finds itself neglected.
Expose this turfgrass to a minimum of six hours of sunlight every day. This turfgrass can survive without water for long, yet if you want to achieve the best results, ensure that you give it at least an inch of water every week. When this turfgrass is suffering a shortage of water, it gives off a couple of indications: the leaves narrow and the color turns to light green-grey.